Trusted by every major brand
in over 1,600 hotels worldwide


Run your entire hotel with Parity's
end-to-end suite of technology services.

Single-Source Hotel Technology Solutions

Guest WiFi, In-Room Entertainment, Security, Sound Systems, Phones, Guest Support

Information Technology Consulting

Explore from a full-suite of hospitality Internet Technology services and rely on a single vendor for support. Modernize and optimize technology for great hotel and guest services.

Turnkey Wired/Wireless Solutions

Discover scalable and affordable turn-key network delivery solutions for rooms, meeting areas, restaurants, pool areas, lobbies; anywhere guests want to connect.

24x7 Hotel and Guest Support

Give your guests reasons for coming back. Speed and accuracy of guest and front desk support speed up resolutions and assure guest and management satisfaction.

Benefit today and in the future with the right technology solution for your property. Simple and proven solutions customized for every room, every property, and all locations.

The advantages of working with us can be measured immediately.  We implement the latest technology solutions that will positively impact operations and overall guest satisfaction in your hotel properties.

We have been in business for 13+ years, have great performance references, and continue to serve hotels and hotel management groups worldwide.

Our mission is to cultivate long-term, trusting relationships with resorts, hotels, and hotel management groups by delivering superior customer service experiences while providing single-source technology services of demonstrating everyday value.

Partner with Parity Technology Solutions and immediately benefit from experience and Best-in-Class technology solutions!

Contact us to learn more about the most reliable and scalable technology solutions for your property.

  • Talk to an expert

    Avoid business downtime with award-winning technical support that provides anytime access to expertise, plus updates and upgrades. Discover support programs to help you succeed by optimizing your networks, guest connectivity, and best-in-class technology for in-room entertainment and throughout your property – delivering the greatest return on your technology investment.

  • Support

    Learn about current support programs including Appliance Maintenance Programs. Click here

  • Consulting services

    Parity Technology Solutions’ consultants help enable successful business outcomes through close collaboration and unmatched expertise to help get your property running faster and more reliably.
    Click here

  • Client Services

    Create awareness and increase adoption of your technology solutions, maximizing your ROI. Get customizable solutions to help you prepare your hotel for reliable services and support.
    Click here

Certified by Major Hotel Management Groups

Our commitment to remaining qualified and a leader in our field has made us a preferred global technology provider for major hotel partners.

Select us as your company of choice, and we can prove we have the right experience, certifications, and daily commitment to deliver technology to you – that improves your properties’ bottom-line and ensures guest loyalty!