Due to the recent spread of COVID-19 and to ensure that our operations do not decrease with the increase of the pandemic, our commitment to deliver 100% satisfaction to you and your guests is all the more vital today.
We know how critical it is that our customer properties stay connected to essential services like Internet, TV, and phone. Hotels and resorts are among the most severely impacted in the current business environment. We also need to keep our employees safe and healthy, which is why we’re continuing to optimize operations.
- Our Support Centers remain open 24/7 for your questions. Contact them at 866-586-5872 or 717-540-5679. There are no reduction in hours or service. We are here and we are ready.
- We continue to focus on service reliability and performance, with engineers, operations, and maintenance teams working 24/7 to ensure that our services continue to perform as you expect and need.
- Led by our mission and value to care for our people we’ve asked every employee across the globe, who is able to work remotely, to do so. This includes every one of our customer service representatives who continue to work to meet your needs – on the phone or by email. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this transition.
Important precautionary measures have been implemented in our facilities, such as: cleaning workplaces, not sharing/lending personal items, no physical contact greetings, washing hands on a recurring basis, send home any employee displaying symptoms. Our onsite staff has been equipped with tools to protect themselves and others; such as a complete safety protocol, disinfectant cleaners, latex gloves and disposable shoe covers. These measures frame our commitment to safety and service during this time of uncertainty for all.
Our teams are closely monitoring COVID-19 developments and taking and abiding all recommendations from the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and local governments to care for the health and safety of our employees, customers, and general public.
As a fellow hospitality business, your financial well-being and sustainability is a priority not only to you, but to us as well. We are all in this together. Our industry is formed by many layers of companies, all coming together to build the ultimate guest experience.
No one is a silo in these times and we are determined to do our part.
We will work with you through this crisis and we look forward to a continued partnership in the years to come.
Debido a la reciente propagación del COVID-19 y para asegurar que nuestras operaciones no disminuyan con el incremento de la pandemia; nuestra prioridad es la salud y seguridad de nuestras familias, compañeros de trabajo y clientes, bajo nuestro compromiso de dar seguimiento y entregar un 100% de satisfacción a sus clientes, los cuales son más vitales hoy en día.
Estamos comprometidos a apoyar la salud de nuestra gente y las comunidades aledañas, al tiempo que garantizamos que nuestro servicio se brinde sin interrupciones.
Nuestras decisiones se basan en el doble enfoque de seguridad y servicio.
Se han implementado pequeñas, pero importantes medidas de precaución dentro de nuestras instalaciones, así como: limpiar los lugares de trabajo, no compartir productos personales, no saludos de contacto físico, lavarse las manos de forma recurrente, si algún empleado presenta síntomas de COVID-19 mandarlo a casa e instarlo a que acuda a un Centro de Salud especializado.
Como sabrán, nuestros equipos están monitoreando de cerca los desarrollos del COVID-19, y están tomando y acatando todas las recomendaciones de la OMS, los Centros de Control de Enfermedades y de los gobiernos locales para ayudar y cuidar la salud y seguridad de nuestros empleados, clientes y público en general.
Estas medidas enmarcan nuestro compromiso con la seguridad y servicio durante este tiempo de incertidumbre para todos.
Trabajaremos con ustedes a través de esta crisis y esperamos una asociación continua en los próximos años.